In an effort to finally organize some of photos, I decided to take this website back to my roots – making the every day look beautiful. We had a surprise spring snow – crazy! 13 inches in Norrisville, Maryland. The funny thing is, I have these horses on only a little over two acres. Yes, we are zoned agriculture and we are very good about keeping up with pasture management, but this is one of the fun parts of bieng a photographer – you have the ability to make things look like they are not. It looks like they are on much more property here.
These are our three horses – Pixie is a beautiful classic champagne. Pixie’s birth went viral back in 2014. She’s the daughter of Stormy (amber cream champagne paint). No Brakes is the bay here – he is an icelandic horse so as you can see, he seems to love the snow!

Here’s a behind the scenes – the next morning. As you can see, the images above look like we are on much more property than reality 😉 I have articles on Keeping Horses on Small Property over at MyFauxFarm.
Jodie Otte is a Maryland professional photographer and designer.